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Max Pentatonic ANN

This project features an artificial neural network built into a Max MSP patch, such that parameter signals will travel through each neuron in the hidden layers between the input and output layers. Whenever an output neuron is fired, it will trigger a granular sound of musical notes within the pentatonic scale, resulting in Eastern-style music that has the effect of a granular synthesis. This project is for the final composition of UCSB's Music and Technology Class (MAT 200) taught by Professor Curtis Roads.

Allolib Pythagorean Music

This composition is fully coded, such that every note being played is generated by the logic of the computer program in Python, which is played in the Allolib System, an immersive 3D visualization system designed by a UCSB media art team, guided by Professor Joann Kuchera-Morin. The music is named "Pythagorean" as it illustrates spinning geometrical shapes. The further a particle is from the spinning center, the higher the pitch of the note it plays. The harmonicity of the music is created by the integer ratio of the intervals, demonstrating Pythagoras' connection between rigorous mathematical principles and a creative Rondo-form music composition.

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