Voyage (Interactive Max MSP Patch and UI)
Demo Audio:
In my own point of view, this project is not only belonging to a composition work, but also, an interactive user interface that enables musicians to come up with different output audios by adjusting the distortion parameters, the chordal progressions, and to generate ambient noises, by pressing on the keyboard or hovering with the mouse.
Built with Max MSP, the purpose of this project is to create an immersive listening experience by generating constant, slow-motioned music illustrating the scene of a space voyage. In the sub patches which separately generate different voices, various digital signal processing technologies are employed, including but not limited to the vocoder, ring modulations, amplitude modulation, granular synthesis, and reverberation.
Chordal progression: Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, F
Channel Switch: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Special Sound Effects: Z, X, C, V
Save Present Values: [TAB]
General Sound Switch: [ENTER]
Manual Piano Melodies: U, I, O, P, H, J, K, L, B, N, M